In Hong Kong gender-based violence is widespread and often tolerated, because of a deeply rooted societal inequality between men and women. Thus, due to a lack of evidence, victims often stay quiet. This app helps victims use their phones to collect evidence and create an accurate timetable of abuse. We’re using mobile phones to make it a bit harder for abusers to gaslight women and change the narrative, while also helping victims build a case for legal proceedings, as these recordings can be used as evidence in a court of law.
The first mobile app that uses AI to detect abuse by recognising the language often used in abusive situations, and helps victims collect legal proof. Studies show that certain verbal phrases accompany abuse and are often shouted by perpetrators in the lead-up to a physical attack. So, we trained our AI to recognise key phrases in Cantonese and English. When they are heard, the app immediately starts recording the entire incident that follows, helping victims collect proof against their abusers. If the AI determines the incident is escalating, an emergency alert is sent to a pre-determined trusted contact. The information is biometrically protected, and the app is designed to look generic, so abusers don’t recognise it. The information gathered is legal admissible, making it an important step in the battle against gender-based violence.